
My R Markdown presentation

This is my first ever RMD presentation. Really exciting!

Was it difficult?

  • At first it sounded difficult.
  • Watched the lecture videos and things got crystal clear :)
  • You can also do this!

Q: What is mean total number of steps taken per day?

Code slide:

library(dplyr) actData<-read.csv("activity.csv", sep=',', header=TRUE) actData <- mutate(actData, hour = interval %/% 100, minute = interval %% 100) dailySteps<-c() # This will be the total number of steps taken per day for (i in 1:61){ # total number of days in October and November is 31+30=61 start<-(i-1)*288+1 # 288 five-minute steps in a day; 24*60/5=288 last<-(i-1)*288+288 t<-actData[start:last,1] # extracting all 5-minute steps for each day dailySteps<-c(dailySteps,sum(t)) # concatenating the daily totals


Daily Steps

 [1]   126 11352 12116 13294 15420 11015 12811  9900 10304 17382 12426 15098
[13] 10139 15084 13452 10056 11829 10395  8821 13460  8918  8355  2492  6778
[25] 10119 11458  5018  9819 15414 10600 10571 10439  8334 12883  3219 12608
[37] 10765  7336    41  5441 14339 15110  8841  4472 12787 20427 21194 14478
[49] 11834 11162 13646 10183  7047
